For Christmas 2007, the Three As were busy! We travelled to Kansas and then made our annual journey to the beach in Siesta Key, Florida. We had a wonderful vacation with family and friends and we were both sad to leave the holiday season behind.
In Kansas, we were able to get together with Whit and Kirk, Mike and their new daughter Makaylee, Judy, Brant and Bridget, Beran, and even Andy's college roomie, Steve! On Friday, Alex was an adorable model for some professional pictures that we had taken in Lawrence. Chuck, Eileen, and I all went and had a really fun time trying to amuse the A-man! Now, we've seen the pictures and we are going to have some tough calls to decide which ones to order! (Dwight took our engagement pictures in 2000! Here's his website:
http://www.ciphoto.net/indexxp.htm) On Saturday, we went to the KU/ Miami of Ohio game. It was snowing when we arrived at The Wheel before the game... it was a BLIZZARD when we left Allen Fieldhouse! We went downtown for lunch at Quinton's, where we thought we'd wait out the storm. Mass. Street was never even plowed, Chuck and Eileen were the kindest babysitters for the night, our bar tab grew exponentially, and we spent the evening at the Westminster Inn!
Christmas in Kansas was chilly when we were outside, but was filled with warmth and fun everywhere inside! On Monday, we headed south, for the warmer climes of The Sunshine State. In Florida, we were able to share special times with Grandma Jeanne, Ryan and Jessica, and Dick and Betsy. We spent the week enjoying each other's company at the pool, on the beach, at meals... and at Captain Curt's (where Andy karaoked Steelheart- more than once)!
http://captaincurts.com/index.html (Yes, we did also play some Euchre, but one of us would rather leave his record unmentioned.) All three of us had a relaxing and special time in Florida and we are already ready for next year!
I hope this posting finds all of you doing well in 2008!!